Why subscribe?

You’re welcome to smell Chrontope’s perfume and leave it there, say you’re done at that. That’s all you really need to do if you choose to engage with Chronotope’s fragrances. But if you believe perfume gives us a chance to introspect, to think, to learn—to feel, and to experience what only you can experience thanks to something that many, many other people experience as well, and then to connect with those people about that experience—then ~*DiScOnTeNt*~ was made just for you. Here, I write criticism and theory about the perfumes I make and others that I smell, and I pull in history, science, philosophy, and art history as I do so. I don’t get a chance to do so as often as I’d like. But when I do, I make it worth it: the essays about perfume that I publish through ~*DiScOnTeNt*~ tend to be well over 5,000 words, and lately I’m working on turning them into podcasts for those who’d rather consume them through an audio format.

Stay up-to-date

You won’t have to worry about missing anything. Every new edition of the newsletter goes directly to your inbox, and each edition contains any pertinent news items regarding Chronotope (including new releases, changes to existing releases, and more) in addition to an essay. I even include a recommendation for a perfume that’s not by Chronotope, but by another artisan perfume maker from the Americas, in each edition—because Chronotope doesn’t exist in a vacuum, and no indie perfumery is without its influences. And finally, there’s always a discount or two in each issue that’s just for subscribers!

Subscribe to ~*DiScOnTeNt*~ by Chronotope

What do we talk about when we talk about perfume?


I make artisan perfume that operates like memoir and autobiography for Chronotope, and lately I’m writing about other artists, like Hannah Wilke and Ana Mendieta, who used non-written media to tell their stories, too.